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Registration of Trademark

Price: government filing fee + 20%. The service includes a FREE SEARCH and a 100% money back guarantee!

Registration of Design

Benefit from our crowd designs filing and pay LESS than €350 per design at the EUIPO!

It should not exceed 12 months after the creation of the design
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Representatives in the EU

Do you have a registered trademark or design and you want a representative in the EU for the EUIPO? We have searched (and found) a list of representatives for you: they will act for FREE for the entire time of your registration. The list is €29 (delivered instantly by email!). This is perfect for UK businesses because of Brexit.

Payment for: Representatives located in the European Union providing free representation at the EUIPO

Amount: €29.00

You will receive your order at the email address used for the payment

Validating payment information
Waiting for PayPal
Validating payment information
Waiting for PayPal

Cancellation and Opposition procedure

Did you get an office action?.. A cancellation or opposition procedure? Or do you want to start one? Click below for a one-fee quote that will cover the ENTIRE procedure.

Relax and watch your business grow!

Intellectual Property should not be an expense but an investment! You are investing in your business and protecting it against future horror stories.


My promises to you!

I am here to help you, it is not a business for me, I really like doing this~.

You pay your fee for a service ONCE and you will never get another bill for it.

What you exchange with me will remain 100% confidential.

With our crowd designs filing save money compared to direct filing!

Anything on our mind? We are always happy to get feedback from you!